
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

An easy way to get rid of obesity Changing food can improve health

Ubqari Magazine - January 2016

There is no denying the fact that obesity is dangerous for health and can lead to many diseases. This is the reason that death rate is higher for fat people. One has to go lengths to lose weight which may include from avoiding certain foods, doing certain exercises to using certain medicine. And despite of all this one may shed very little weight and that only temporarily. All these methods happen to be tedious and expensive that it becomes difficult for one to continue with such methods. All such practices need be undertaken under the supervision of an expert so that one may not accrue negative impacts at the cost of health. Experts have found an easy and effective way to reduce and maintain weight just by altering the foods we eat. Following this method obese people can easily shed 10 to 15 pounds a month.

Dieticians curse the special formulated foods and the methodology of eating food by number of calories. They believe that one’s body weight is not determined by what one eats but by what one does not eat. Ninety nine percent fat women and men who head to slimming centres for shedding off weight had increased weight due to those 22 foods that they should have not eaten. On the other hand they may reduce their weight safely by eating rest of the 228 food items to their relish. Not only this but they can also live healthy life in old age.

These 22 forbidden foods may include the items they would relish but it is all about sacrifice. Once they learn how to refrain from these deadly 22 foods, it will be impossible for them to put on weight even deliberatlely. They must ignore all rules regarding rest of the 228 food items. They would notice remarkable decrease in their weight from 10 to 15 pounds by avoiding these 22 foods in just one month. And if they want to keep on reducing weight they must follow this food chart.

Following are the names of these 22 food items. Ice cream, candies, chocolates, jellies, jams, custard, cream, cakes, sweets and all the things made up of sugar like pastries, pudding, biscuits, rice, cereals, oil, dense soup, noodles, spaghettis, dry fruit containing cocunut, bread, potatoes, butter and ghee.

Take sugar free coffee and tea using only skimmed milk. You must be wondering now that what else is left to eat if one has refrain from these things. You may eat any vegetable excluding potato. You may eat any fruit, halal meat and eggs. You must realize that 11 out of these 22 food items are made up of sugar, flour, milk, ghee and oil. People can eat and live well by eating rest of the 228 food items. These items contain all the essential nutrients that a body needs for energy and growth. Whereas other food items can also be prepared from these food items.

People fond of eating sweets may use fruit. One must drink plenty of water. Besides meat, fish, eggs and chicken there are many foods that can be eaten without using these 22 deadly foods Food must be cooked in oil. One must not eat ghee. Eating bread or potato occassionaly in samall quantity renders no harm. Fat people may eat roasted meat or drink a glass of skimmed milk. Try eating following enegry rich food items. Take one to two glass of milk. Eat vegetable daily. Eat salad and fresh vegetable. Eat fruit, tomato and cabbage daily. Not eating the 22 junk food items will never cause deficiency of proteins, minerals or other important nutrients. Interestingly many of these 22 food items do not contain any important nutrients. After you have lost weight by changing foods, any of the these 22 food items can be resumed to prevent more weight loss. You may drop these 22 food items when you feel that you have started to gain weight again. Refraining from these 22 food items is time tested and an effective methodoloy guaranteeing weight loss.      (Dr. Asghar Ali)

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